On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Monday, March 13, 2006

Days 110, 111, 112 - Weekend Working

Without an adequate net connection (thankfully restored this evening) I have been unable to report here this weekend.

Having said that I am not too sure quite what I would have written anyway as the weekend, like many of late, has merged into one long round of sleep and work.

CLEO continues, in my view, to improve daily. Her ability to adapt is excellent, and I often ask myself whether she is demonstrating improvement or adaptability. Whichever it is she does it well, and the net result is her growing confidence in her ability to tackle things which a month ago she would have thought impossible. As I have said before it's all too easy to sit back and let others do things for you but that is not how to move one's rehabilitation forward, and certainly not cleo's way. She will not take on something that might be dangerous or too tiring, and I don't expect her to, but I do know that if it is at all possible for her to try something new, she will.

Perhaps I will consider not writing a daily entry for the weekends in the future, as I would likely end up writing the same things almost each week, and I certainly don't want to bore my readers.

I will of course continue to write daily through the week, when our focus is much more about cleo's road to recovery and each day brings new events which I feel should be added here. This coming week we should see the new physiotherapy at home in place and we look forward to what that may bring, although we continue to see James at the hospital too.

Out of the Blue

Received an e-mail on Saturday at home from a very close relative of cleo's, who had received an invitation to the handfasting, but with whom cleo had not had much contact over the last few years. Perhaps this whole episode can help to restore those family ties which are so important, but which these days do become more difficult to maintain for all sorts of reasons.

Within that e-mail was the news that a sister of cleos, again with whom she has had little contact for years suffered a stroke just a couple of weeks ago. I hope that we can be in touch and that some kind of mutual support may well help both of them to overcome the obvious problems that each will have. Shared experiences can be very helpful when having to face new challenges and changed circumstances. There are none better than family for making those difficult moments easier

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