On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Day 115 - Trust Me, this won't hurt...much!

They're at it again!

Those aliens have nicked the care team for a second time. The care team seem to have disappeared into outer space again. James doesn't seem to be able to get through to Mohammed, and so we are left with a completely ridiculous situation: two weeks ago we told Mohammed that James was not available for cleo's physio from next Monday, and they have so far not managed to get their act together to put any kind of plans in place.

So, while we were at the hospital today we have offered to do the physio ourselves! james will hopefully show me what is needed and i will do the physio for cleo for the next two weeks. How stupid is that? While I am sure I can do it, I am not a trained physio by any means, but something is better than nothing.

We will see James tomorrow, and then he is away on Friday at a conference, and then short staffed for the next two weeks. Of course I can get him on the phone if I need to ask a question, but frankly, this home care team do not seem to understand how important this is, to cleo or me.

Guaranteed I will be making a few calls next week, because I am not prepared to accept that they cannot sort this out. It's really not that difficult is it? They are supposed to be visiting cleo at home anyway. I think that a few people are going to hear a few home truths from me on this one.

So, I shall be taking charge of cleo's treatment for the next two weeks....
"Trust me, I'm a doctor...this won't hurt.....very much!!"

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