On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 129 - From Every Angle...

To achieve good results in anything you have to cover all the angles. You need to think of all contingencies, and all the possibilities that may affect, and have an effect on, what you are doing. After discussing at length cleo's "epiphany" of yesterday, I am convinced that while her focus must be on improving, controlling, and re-learning those things which will give her back better control of her arm, hand and leg, mine must be on providing the best possible help to enable her to do that.

Of course the support that both I and the girls will give is vital, and naturally that goes without saying. It will always be there.

I believe that fitness is a part of this rehabilitation, and I hope cleo agrees. James mentioned when we first used the treadmill with him that regaining overall fitness, and especially withing the affected muscle groups is paramount. Remember that cleo has been fairly inactive since November, and this will create a lack of fitness and even muscle wastage, especially in the affected areas.

We have to find a way for her to regain some fitness, and i am now of the opinion that a treadmill is the best route for this. Reading various sites it also seems that walking is as good a way to lose weight as any. This goes for me too, and i will partake of the exercise routine as well. So, the treadmill will be ordered in the next day or so.

However there are other aspects too. Cleo has what is known as "syndrome X" or "metabolic syndrome", which is characterised by high cholesterol, and insulin resistance .

I have looked carefully at this and from the links you will see that insulin resistance is very prominent in both weight gain, and the inability to lose weight. I have no specific medical confirmation of this but I am also convinced through my own research that to try and reverse this will create a better physiological environment for getting healthy.

How to do this? Alpha Lipoic Acid, that's how....

Among other things it is thought that ALA helps to reduce a person's insulin resistance, and to help with such things as energy production, memory, and general wellness. To that end we have ordered some today, and will give it a try for a couple of months tohether, along with the exercise routine, and see how that helps.

It may just be what we need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a doctor I have very serious reservations about your proposed actions to rehabilitate cleo. In particular, I should advise gradually increasing walking times rather than the use of a treadmill, which, by increasing any hypertension she may have (and I do not know if she has any), could be dangerous. Please take advice from professionals- doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapist and do NOT do it "Your Way". You may well regret it if you do and the important thing is cleo's SAFE rehabilitation, and NOT via your layman's researches.

Dr John.
