On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Day 69 - Marking time

The weeks roll by, and suddenly the wedding looms up. There is much to do, and, like the saying, so little time. However i am sure we will get everything organised.

We are beginning to receive replies to our invites sent last week. Of course these are from family mostly, so they are from people who knew we were s3ending them, and who we knew would likely be coming, but it's good to get the replies, and it will also give us something to keep for the future too.

Saturdays are a bit of a nothing day, as i have said many times in this blog. I get home from work, and need to sleep, wake in the afternoon and set off for work again at 4pm.

This of course gives me very little time with cleo, although i have to say she was in good spirits this morning. She seems far better emotionally this last couple of days which is very pleasing. Highlight of the morning: sausage sandwiches for breakfast. Her hand is much less painful since the ring has been removed, and the swelling on her finger is reducing well.

So, its back home for Sunday, and work once more till monday morning, then a busy week ahead. Weekends are about marking time really, although the one benefit is that cleo does get some much needed rest which sets her up for the ensuing wekk ahead.

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