On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Friday, January 20, 2006

Day 60 - A Family Outing

Today started rather earlier than usual. Cleo and I had swapped sides on the bed, because we are more comfortable that way. This meant however that to get to the commode she had to walk around the bed. She was a little unsteady this morning, and having got herself up and standing, without any help, as I was still asleep, and she had not woken me, she slipped and fell, ending up flat on the floor in tears at the side of the bed. I woke as she hit the floor with a thump, as did Sarah and Hannah, and I lifted cleo back onto the bed; thankfully she was shaken more than hurt.

Naturally these things will happen, but it is still a worry. The four times she has fallen, twice in the hospital, and twice at home has not produced any injury, except dented pride. When these falls happen cleo becomes more wary of doing things on her own, and we just have to take a little more time to get her confidence back.

Out to Dinner

Our very good friend Alan, who is in a wheelchair himself, has just had some renovations done on his house. He promised that he would cook dinner for cleo when she was out of the hospital, and tonight we all got ready to visit him at his house in Essex, a drive of some 80 miles.

For the first time since the stroke cleo put on a skirt and blouse (track suit bottoms and tee-shirts have been the clothes of choice since coming home), and Sarah helped her do her hair and make-up. She looked wonderful: Sarah remarked that she "looked like Mum again". I know that clothes and such are just the "wrapping" but I have to agree, it was brilliant to see her dressed, the obvious confidence it gave her, whether she admits it or not, was a real lift for her.

We arrived at Alan's and had a lovely meal, and a great evening. He even made banana split (cleo's favourite) for dessert. We got home just before midnight: cleo was tired, and the girls slept most of the way home, but I have to say that it was wonderful to go out as a family again, and to be, in a sense, normal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you guys had a wonderful time despite cloe's little fall. way to keep going. just to let you know i am still here oceans of love to you all.
slave neaya