On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Day 44 - Gee Mr Tracy

Physiotherapy today was interesting. James asked if we had an problems that had arisen out of spending time at home. Our main concern is cleo not being able to get herself up into a sitting position from lying on the bed. So, James explained the best way, step by step, and we will work on that over the next few days. After this James had cleo standing and simply moving her left leg back and forth through a stepping motion, along with some other bending exercises. Finally he walked her up to one end of the gym and turned her round, then told her to walk...without help.....I drew in a deep breath, and ....yesssssss.. one step, then another, very shaky, and not too controlled but she did it, walking without any support. When she walks, because of the concentration and presently the lack of a little control she resembles a Thunderbird puppet, but after only 6 weeks thats a bloody miracle in my book!

It was like fireworks or something should have gone off!

James explained that you simply have to take those chances sometimes, and we agree...if you don't push yourself, then you become to reliant on the aids that are given, and we don't want that. I am convinced James is sure that cleo will walk again. We are too.

James also gave us some other standing exercises to do at home, which we will start tomorrow: an example, to allow the body to "remember" it's natural balancing reflex, stand upright, and get someone else to try and move the hips/pelvis in a twisting motion, while the patient resists that motion. This of course gets the natural reflex of balance which we all take for granted working again.

So, an unexpected but very rewarding hour with James saw us back in the car and coming home via the chippie! Cleo then insisted on standing at the kitchen counter and serving the fish and chips, then she made tea too. Once dinner was ser ved she then amazed the girls by walking across the kitchen on her own, in her shaky "Thunderbird style" walk to take her place at the table. Eye popping stuff!! Gee Mr Tracy Thunderbirds are GO.. F.A.B.

On Angels Wings

I would die for you
Lay down my life for you
The only thing that means everything to me
'Cause when you're in my arms
You make me prouder than
Than anything I ever could achieve
And you make everything that used to seem so big
Seem to be so small since you arrived

On angel's winds, an angelical formation
Angel's wings, like letters in the sky
Now I know no matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

And I often wonder why,
Someone as flawed as I
Deserves to be as happy as you make me
So as the years roll by
I'll be there by your side
I'll follow you wherever your heart takes me
Cause you make everything that used to be so big
Seem to be so small since you arrived

On angel's winds, an angelical formation
Angel's wings, like letters in the sky
Now I know no matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

Now anyone who's felt the touch of heaven in their lives
Will know the way I'm feeling, looking
In my baby's eyes
That's why I can't bear to be too far away
I know that god must love me cause
He sent you to me on angel's wings

On angel's winds, an angelical formation
Angel's wings, like letters in the sky
Now I know no matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wooooohoooooooooo cleo, way to go girl, that is absolutely brilliant and i am sure you are all so very proud of your achievement

swan x