On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day &................

Well, as i know MG's log in, and as he didn't blog last night but mainly because today is our wedding day and that this man whom i am about to marry get so little recognition for all he has done for me, i am creeping in here while he sleeps to say my bit for once.
With all my heart i love him, today yes we have to do this legal bit but we don't need a piece of paper to say we love one another, we just do.
i have said to him hundreds of times these past months.. "there are not many men who would have stuck around and dealt with the effect of a stroke on their partner" for which i thank him from the bottom of my heart; MG is everything to me He is my world.. Our D/s is deeper still because of my inabilities, i am an open book , nothing i am can ever be hidden from MG, not that i would ever try to hide (includes the innocent look at this juncture).
but seriously folk.. i really wanted to say to MG.on this our very special day. Thank you my darling, for being there for me, i love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow, "Oh.. will you be my Valentine please Sir"

i cannot express just what MG has been to me these past months, a tower of strength, a rock, not just to me but to the girls also.. and to the girls i must also say, thank you my darlings for being my babies and for coping so well with all the life-changing events that i have put you through the last few years.. i am so proud of you both.. enjoy this day as much as we shall.. love you all..


Anonymous said...

My very best wishes to you both for today and the rest of your lives. You are both inspirational.

All my love

flamey xxx

Anonymous said...

MG Sir and cleo,
Congratulations!! I wish Y/you both all the happiness in the world. Y/you both can't begin to imagine the inspiration that Y/your life has been for me. I've been quietly keeping up with your progress cleo, but need to say that i wish you all the happiness in the world sis! Heck! i think you already have it sis...smiles.