On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Day 97 - Saturday...boring!

Arriving home this morning after driving to and from work in cleo's car, which is far too small for me to fit into comfortably and for the journey which I do, as mine is in the garage, and hers being a manual gearchange too, without cruise control (no cruise=major trauma) I found cleo already up, and in the kitchen having a tidy up.

It is certainly good that she has the drive to get up and do things, because this all points to her wanting to get better. Many people would simply not bother, and let others do things for them, in cleo's case she is determined to do whatever she can for herself.

AS always Saturday's are difficult, because once home I have to sleep, and having slept I am up and out the door by 4pm to get back to work. cleo did remark that while asleep i was groaning about having to change gear...ahh well, such is the plight of an "automatic cruise control electric everything" car driver. I even woke up with cramp in my foot!

Just for the record I thought that as there was little news on other fronts today I would post a picture of my black beastie....

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