On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Monday, February 27, 2006

Day 98 - Boiling Point

Not an anger boiling point, as you may have imagined, but an overheating one. On my way home from work this morning cleo's car started to overheat, quite badly. I stopped at the services on the M2, and decided to call the recovery people. The head gasket had blown (for those who don't know this is major breakdown, and one that requires dismantling part of the engine to repair) and the car was a total non-runner from that moment.

I texted cleo and told her, and I don't think this helped; she said later that she had not slept well, and then the breakdown made her worry even more. By the time I got home with the recovered car she was tired, feeling ill, and looked awful.

Of course when one is not well, and with lack of sleep added to that, it becomes a downward slope, and thats how it was, with lots of tears and emotion. We had some breakfast and I suggested that she return to bed, after I had spoken to my work, who agreed that because I had no car I should not go in this evening. That was a relief I must say, as the train service to London at the weekends right now is awful. Once that was sorted cleo relaxed a little, and she and I both slept till the afternoon.

So we have all week to sort the cars, and mine should be fixed this week, cleo's can wait. Physio is scheduled early tomorrow with James, but we may have to cancel that till we have my car back. cleo will continue her exercises at home too, no thanks to the alien-abducted care team who are still obviously in some far flung galaxy light years from here.

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