On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Days 158, 159 - Family Life

CLEO faced Thursday with some trepidation. We had her appointment at the chirpodist booked, and she was very worried that the whole thing was going to be painful and traumatic. Funny really that someone who has been through what she has this last few months might find a chiropodist frightening.

Anyway, we arrived at the place to be met by a wonderful lady who sorted cleo's toenail in a few minutes. No pain, no trauma.

From that moment cleo was visibly lifted and we had a good rest of the day, including a little shopping and a nice evening at home. WE mowed the lawn with the help of Sarah and her boyfriend, and the whole day was most pleasant. Highlight was cleo cooking dinner all on her own: a wonderful spaghetti bolognese.

Friday of course always has a slightly different air because the weekend looms large, and that means work.

Having said that, I am very conscious of how much more cleo can do in recent weeks, and how she is taking a much larger part in the household stuff again. This is such a good sign because she is returning to how she used to be, the stroke is having less and less bearing on her daily life, and while there are of course many limitations as to what she can do, there are improvements every day, and that can only be good.

Family life will always continue, and cleo and I both work hard to keep that as normal as possible for the girls. We are pretty relaxed, but still maintain as structured a family life as we can. All that said we laugh a lot too, which can only be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damnit you two .. you know the number dial it.. sheeesh .. love you both to bits Cyan