On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 137 - Longer Term....

Back to see James this afternoon, and he was pleased that cleo's arm and hand still retained its suppleness, and that her arm had improved in the way that she holds it. Sometimes of course it's good to have a break from seeing someone because that way one is better equipped to notice changes and improvements that on a daily basis we may not notice.

We also asked james about his thoughts on his longer term involvement, and he suggested that while he may have to cut down to perhaps 3 times a week for cleo's physiotherapy he will be involved for a while yet, certainly a few more months anyway. Emma from the DART team, who we have not seen yet (watch out for alien craft again!) will actually plan cleo's rehab with James and review weekly with him too, so there should be a consistent approach.

On a different note, the treadmill I purchased was delivered today. Further to comments here I have discussed this with James and he is happy for cleo's rehab to continue using this. The idea here is not to create vastly improved levels of fitness, but to be able to walk in a controlled and regular manner, thus facilitating the steady and ongoing improvement of cleo's walking action. The treadmill we have bought can work at the same speed as the one James uses, and has all the usual safety features too. As James explained, it's about practise, and becoming accustomed to what she has achieved thus far, and working on that in a safe and controlled way. As long as we do this sensibly James agrees there is no issue of concern about hypertension, or other health problems that need to be considered.

We did contact Dr Thomas' secretary (the consultant at the stroke ward) last week asking about the non-existent follow up consultation. Seems it got missed along the way. Anyway, we have an appointment for next week. We shall see what that brings.

It does annoy me that we are always cautioned to take advice, to be guided by the "professionals" who are supposedly there all the time with our best interests at heart. Frankly, that is bullshit! If we were not taking control of cleo's rehab, to the extent that we have had to contact the consultant to arrange the follow up, which should have happened as a matter of course 8 weeks after discharge, I am sure that we would never see anyone again, except perhaps James, who genuinely cares about his patients, and enjoys his job, and which he does exceptionally well too. In the longer term of course, there cannot be daily physio for years to come, so we will have to manage this ourselves, but with the right guidance we should have little problem achieving this.

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