On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Day 143 - Amongst Friends

James was very upbeat today in physio; he has really taken to heart the idea of adapting and improving what is actually there rather than striving for something which may never appear. He is working mostly on cleo's arm and hand, and leaving us to work on her walking with our treadmill at home. Of course if we have any questions relating to walking he will always help and advise, but he seems to be happy with what we are doing in that respect. His focus is very much on the arm, shoulder stability and learning to control those movements which are presently more involuntary.

Our evening was different tonight. We visited our friend Alan in Essex for dinner, with the girls. He cooked a wonderful meal, and we thoroughly enjoyed the food and the company. Alan of course is a paraplegic, and he is a shining example of how to adapt and live as normally as possible while being confined to a wheelchair. There is practically nothing that he cannot do. I am sure that cleo sees, albeit on a different level, the adaptability issues overcome by Alan in herself. Of course she will likely walk properly again, but in terms of managing the rehabilitation overall, Alan has good advice and years of "been there, done that".

Yesterdays dark thoughts seem to have gone too, which is good. I think that cleo has again accepted that she muct live day to day, and not let all those fears and worries drag her down. I know they will be there from time to time, but a positive mental attitude is a good starting point from which to build.

On a final note cleo walked 5 minutes on our home treadmill today and she has set herself the task of completing a similar routine each day. I think that can only benefit her recovery, and will improve her walk and balance very quickly.

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