On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Days 199 to 203 - Same Old, Same Old, But Not!

While we haven't blogged quite as much lately because I guess we don't want to bore you all with the "same old same old", as it were, something of note happened this week, which is more than worth reporting here.

I have spoken before about how the progress of recovery is measured in many ways, and often the most important of those things can be missed amongst the whole flood of little things that happen. Well, today cleo and I went shopping. Now, we like shopping, and we ended up in a clothes shop where we bought some shoes. Prior to the stroke, shoes were a major passion for cleo and she would never go out without heels on, and high ones at that. Since the stroke she struggles to even walk and of course shoes with any kind of heel are a complete "no-no".

For the handfasting ceremony next week she has found a half sensible pair of shoes (albeit flat) that she can wear, and which she can get both feet into comfortably. One of the consequences of the stroke, and the subsequent inactivity, as well as the very hot weather we are having right now is that her left foot becomes swollen. This creates a problem getting her foot into any kind of "sensible" shoe. However we found these ones, and a second pair that even had a slight heel, which she has also managed to get on this evening. Now it was a struggle, but I have to say it was wonderful to see her stand with a shoe that even had the slightest heel on it. I don't think she will manage those for the handfasting but the fact that she has worn them can only be regarded as a great leap forward: it shows that with determination anything is possible and I know that she will again wear the kind of shoes she loves however long it takes.

Every day cleo is frustrated by a whole load of things that she cannot do, and yet most of the time she fights her way through them, and keeps smiling too! I have to say I am so proud of her for that, and for the way she continues to overcome obstacles each day that most people would find insurmountable.

For us, the "same old same old" is not like that at all, because each day is a triumph of courage over adversity, and becomes a measure of the progress that cleo makes along her personal road to recovery.

Good girl.

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