On monday 21st November 2005 my partner cleo had a stroke. Since then we are bashing our heads against all the problems of rehabilitation and care that most people never encounter.This blog will be a record of our road to recovery and the thoughts I have along the way.....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Days 226 to 231 - Finding the Silver Lining

When fighting against any kind of adversity it's often important to try and find some positives. Now, whether these are physical, mental, or simply diversions to distract us they can all help to lessen the burden which we carry.

Of course the heaviest burden in our lives is carried by cleo herself who has to deal with the actual physical and mental effects of her stroke. For those of us who have never experienced this it is impossible to imagine the sheer frustration she must feel, and the difficulties she must overcome in completing even the most simple task.

Throughout all the last several months I have tried to gain positives from all this, and these have been on many levels, for both cleo and me. Helping her to see progress when she does not, reminding her how she was immediately after the stroke, and how she is now, thankful that her mental faculties are unimpaired, the fact that she can walk a little now, and that we are able to enjoy each other's company...and so on.

further to that just getting what is due is often a help: benefits and such, which all make things easier. Of course we would give it all back to have cleo as she was before, but that won't happen so we have to get what we can, what is ours by right. Having said that it's not easy. There is a benefit that we have been trying to get for the girls (carer's allowance) which i cannot get because i earn too much, but which we have spent 5 months jumping through hoops to get, and which has finally happened this week. It's no wonder many people give up before they ever get near any benefit, you have to be totally singleminded and very very persistent. Luckily, I am.

On top of that part of cleo's Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is made up of a mobility component that enables her to get a car through what is known as Motability. Many of these cars simply take the monthly mobility component and provide a car, but of course, us being us, we want something a little bigger, so.. with the addition of a deposit we have ordered a new Nissan X-Trail which should be delivered on 4th September.

Why not we said? Too right.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Days 218 to 225 - Doing the Legwork

While James is on honeymoon (he got married last weekend)it's important that cleo continues to work on her walking, and the treadmill which we bought has come into it's own this last week. Cleo is working almost daily on it, and I am convinced that her walk is improving as a result. While sahe walks in the very controlled way that the treadmill creates it enables her to focus on the rhythm of her walk, making sure that the affected foot stays in contact with the ground for as long as the other.

Even after just a few days, this evening when she walked for 5 minutes with the treadmill I am convinced that her walk is more controlled, and her foot looks more flexible, and better able to help her balance. Of course it's not perfect by any means but I am convinced it is dramatically improved.

It is no use expecting 3 sessions of physio each week for 45 minutes to create the improvement that we want; cleo must work, and work hard every day. To her credit she is doing that, and we all must support her in that, even to the point of pushing her harder sometimes than she might like (within reason of course) to attain those results.

We have dealt with some big changes in our lives this last few months, both cleo and I, and the girls of course. None more so that our marriage, and the handfasting of course.There are other more personal things too, which need not be detailed here, but which mean as much to cleo and i, and the way we live our lives, and how we approach each day, which give us added impetus and the combined strength to face whatever life might throw at us.

We are a team, and there is nothing we cannot do.